have training in utilizing specialized equipment and techniques to gather evidence. This may include taking crime scene photos, dusting and lifting fingerprints, and securing additional evidence for further discovery.
Uniformed Patrol
“The multi-tool of Policing. Patrol does it all.”
Uniformed Patrol is committed to serving the community and safeguarding the lives and property of the citizens of Kingston.
Uniformed Patrol Officers are the front line of policing and first responders to all 9-1-1 calls. Officers in uniformed patrol consist of a diverse team of persons from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicity, age, and gender. This diversity helps ensure our Patrol Officers represent and serve our community and victims of crime with compassion, understanding and fairness.
Officers work tirelessly 24-7-365 to keep our community safe while responding to a wide variety of calls such as:
- Break and Enters
- Robberies and Thefts
- Shoplifting
- Assaults
- Homicides
- Motor Vehicle Collisions
- Driving Complaints
- Missing Persons
- Mental Health Calls
- Suspicious Activities
- Alarm Calls
- Noise Complaints
- Medical and Fire Emergencies

While patrol officers enforce the Criminal Code of Canada and all provincial and municipal statutes, they also engage in proactive community policing. This involves patrolling assigned zones and becoming familiar with problem areas, while looking for suspicious activities, searching for wanted persons, and addressing traffic and safety concerns.
Within the Patrol Officer role there are several specialties:
are qualified experts in operating the breathalyzer in impaired driving offences. This highly technical skill involves securing evidence for Court proceedings. The skills acquired as a breath tech include making insightful observations, taking extremely detailed notes, and gaining experience testifying in Court.
are selected for marksmanship and are assigned to carry the C8 rifle, in addition to their issued sidearm. Carbine Operators are often called upon to secure a perimeter around an active scene so that Emergency Response Officers can safely conduct their operations. Carbine Operators are also the first Officers on scene at a firearms-related call.
Standard Field Sobriety Test Officers
are taught certified techniques to identify impaired drivers at the side of the road. This skill set prevents unnecessary arrests and needless additional demands on the breath techs.
Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team
includes an officer and a certified crisis response worker. They provided specialized response to mental health related calls.
Do you have what it takes?
Uniformed Patrol Officers must be able to remain professional, calm, and in control in traumatic and violent situations. They must be compassionate, kind, patient and willing to listen, but also assertive and able to be forceful if required.
Uniformed Patrol Officers must be able to work well as a team but also be capable of working individually and driven to be proactive.
Other qualities that make a good Patrol Officer include an eagerness to learn, a strong attention to detail, be task oriented, have a positive attitude, an easy manner, and a genuine desire to speak with people and connect with the citizens that they protect.
Interested in becoming an officer with Kingston Police? Visit our recruitment website JoinKP.ca and learn more about this challenging and rewarding career.