Fraud Unit
“When deception runs the crime, we chase the criminal.”
The mandate of the Fraud Unit is to investigate all offences where deception or falsehood was used to defraud an individual, a business, or the public of any property, money, valuable security, or any service. Increasingly, frauds are conducted online using crypto currencies, presenting a challenging new dimension to these investigations.
Fraudulent actions can cross a range of different activities, from knowingly misrepresenting a contract or promissory note, to the embezzlement of funds, to using a stolen credit or bank card. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre estimates that only 5% of fraud victims report offences. Being a victim can be embarrassing, and as a result, many victims of fraud do not come forward. Our Fraud investigators are compassionate and empathetic to those who reach out for assistance.
As the risk of being defrauded increases, the Kingston Police are rising to the challenge. Frauds investigators liaise with other agencies and conduct interprovincial and international investigations.
Learn about common Frauds and Scams and prevention.

Follow our Fraud Unit on X @kpfraudunit for information on common frauds, tips on how to recognize a fraud, advice on how to avoid becoming a victim, and more.
Do you have what it takes?
To be a successful Frauds investigator, there are certain skill sets a candidate must possess.
Fraud investigators need to have a logical and methodical mindset with a solid attention to detail. They need strong writing skills to draft comprehensive search warrants and production orders and must be able to simply complex fraud investigations while testifying in court.
Some investigations may require building partnerships with police in other provinces and countries.
Interested in becoming an officer with Kingston Police? Visit our recruitment website and learn more about this challenging and rewarding career.